Mini Tasker APK 0.2.13
Mini Tasker is the ultimate Swiss Army tool for Android power users. It's also hard - the unruly interface is downright obtuse for a lot of its varied functions. Mini Tasker (not affiliated or compatible with the "real" Tasker) takes a more user-friendly approach. While it doesn't quite have the fantastic depth of its namesake, Mini Tasker should allow you to perform most of the actions you might want to in a fraction of the time. Give it a try if the real Tasker is too intimidating... and don't feel bad if that's the case. You're in good company.
If you had previous versions installed (before 0.2.9) and experience problems with values not restoring or tasks not running open this link from your phone or tablet:
Here are some of the actions you can perform :
* Launch other apps
* Start playing music
* Control the phone's volume (mute etc)
* Set up a notification
* Send or forward SMS messages
* Control WiFi, Background Sync, Mobile Data, Airplane*, GPS*, Bluetooth, NFC
* Screen brightness
* Silence unwanted calls
You can select the conditions to be met for the actions above, here are a couple you can pick from:
* Location - pick a place on the map and you're done.
* Daily Time Range - you can pick the day of the week
* Calendar Event - you can match to specific events with keywords in the title/location etc.
* Activity Recognition - let the phone figure out if you're driving, walking, cycling or in one place.
* Headset connected
* Charger connected
* Phone is docked
* Low battery
There's an excellent writeup here: and there's a great video preview here:
This app is very battery efficient. All of the conditions don't require polling, activity recognition uses only low power sensors like the accelerometer and geo locations use the most power efficient method available on the phone (supports native geofencing on the nexus 4).
We do need the app to periodically wake up in order to not be killed by the android activity manager and sync with the calendar. This is our initial release so we're still tweaking the process to make it efficient. You can help if you enable statistics reporting in the settings window, this will tell us how many time the phone was awake and when.
We ask for a lot of permissions, and even then, some features like GPS and sometimes the Airplane mode require us to use the root permission (other features don't need root).
* Internet: We only access the internet when importing from a link, when browsing the task market, or when loading maps to the location condition editor. You can use a firewall like Droid Wall to deny our app internet access, it should keep working just fine accept for the features we just mentioned.
* Permission Revocation: We recommend you to patch your mod with PDroid (aka OpenPDroid or AutoPatcher) or if you can't, get LBE (for rooted phones) to manage permissions you're not comfortable with.
* Tracking: There are no ads or any 3rd party tracking at all, our statistics are disabled by default. The app doesn't phone home or tries to deanonymize the device.
* Privacy: If you share a task - it is uploaded to our servers and later downloaded by the recipient.
If you explicitly enabled statistics reporting in the settings, they will be uploaded to our server when you share a task.
This is my and Michal Romano's university project, we really hope you like the result.
Share your favorite tasks with us! Long press them, select "Share" from the menu and email them to
This app is not related to "Tasker" in any way. Tasker is a trademark of Crafty Apps Ltd
What's New
* volume control ui bug fixed
* activity detection delay setting more visible
* UTF-8 support for task sharing
* music player control improvements
* on boot condition
* delayed ending of the activity recognition (settings window)
* sms forwarding from known contacts bug
if you experience problems after upgrading please disable all tasks and reenable them.
* empty toast bug (sorry!)
* crash on wifi change (ipv6/no ip)
* volume control - better mute detection
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